Proof Key for Code Exchange support

We can configure support for Proof Key for Code Exchange for OAuth clients.

Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) support is a capability (defined in RFC 7636) that adds security when performing the authorization code flow on a mobile device. It addresses a possible security problem that can occur when the following conditions are true:

PKCE support aims to mitigate the risk of a bad actor on the mobile device intercepting the redirect back to native app, and maliciously using the authorization code and the returned access tokens. For a detailed explanation of the scenario, see the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) 7636:

PKCE requires the OAuth client to generate a random string and perform a hash (SHA256 + BASE64URL) on this string. The initial string must be persisted for use at /token, and both the hash and the hash method are presented at /authorize. The authorization server, upon receiving the hash and the method, persists this value against the issued authorization code. When the authorization code is presented at /token, along with the initially generated string, the hash method is applied to the presented string and checked against the string presented at /authorize. If the two match, the request to /token is successful. If they do not match, the request is rejected.

The processing flow is as follows:

  1. Client generates a code_verifier, and computes code_challenge using code_challenge_method.
  2. Client makes request to /authorize.
  3. Authorization server performs standard OAuth request validation for /authorize.
  4. Authorization server checks for presence of code_challenge and code_challenge_method.
  5. Authorization server stores code_challenge and code_challenge_method against authorization code.
  6. Authorization server returns authorization code response.
  7. Client presents authorization code to /token including the additional code_verifier.
  8. Authorization server performs standard OAuth request validation for /token.
  9. Authorization server generates its own code_challenge, using the presented code_verifier, and the stored code_challenge_method.
  10. Authorization server compares its generated code_challenge, to the value which was presented in the initial request to /authorize(and stored against the authorization code).

  11. If the two match, then an access_token is issued. If the two do not, the request is rejected.

The IETF specification contains a diagram of the above flow. See

To use the IBM Security Verify Access support for PKCE, configure the OAuth client to set the requirePkce property to true. When this property of the OAuth client is set to true, the following conditions apply:

Parent topic: OAuth 2.0 and OIDC support