Create an API Client
An API client used by Verify Access is created.
The documentation for this API can be found at: https://<subscription hostname>/developer/explorer/#!/API_Clients/createAPIClient.
- Request
POST https://<subscription hostname>/apisecurity/v1.0/apiclients Authorization: Bearer <api access token> Content-type: application/json Accept: application/json { "entitlements": [ "authnAnyUser", "manageAuthenticatorsAnyUser", "manageEnrollMFAMethodAnyUser", "manageUserGroups", "readAuthenticatorsAnyUser", "readEnrollMFAMethodAnyUser", "readUserGroups" ], "clientName": "ISAM ApiClient <subscription hostname>", "enabled": true }
Response The ID of the new API Client is found in the location response header. 201 Created <headers> location: https://<subscription hostname>/apisecurity/v1.0/apiclients/<api client id>
Parent topic: Manually creating a connectionGet Details about the API Client
The documentation for this API can be found at: https://<subscription hostname>/developer/explorer/#!/API_Clients/getAPIClient
- Request
GET https://<subscription hostname>/apisecurity/v1.0/apiclients/<api client id> Authorization: Bearer <api access token> Content-type: application/json Accept: application/json
Response The <api client client id> and <api client client secret>will be used later when we are configuring Verify Access. 200 OK <headers> { "id": "<api client id>", "clientName": "ISAM ApiClient <subscription hostname>", "entitlements": [ "authnAnyUser", "manageAuthenticatorsAnyUser", "manageEnrollMFAMethodAnyUser", "manageUserGroups", "readAuthenticatorsAnyUser", "readEnrollMFAMethodAnyUser", "readUserGroups" ], "clientId": "<api client client id>", "clientSecret": "<api client client secret>", "enabled": true }