Manage device fingerprints

The device fingerprint contains information required for risk score calculation. We can list fingerprints or deregister fingerprints.

To list registered devices, we can search on a user ID or use an asterisk as a wildcard to search on partial matches. User names are not stored with the fingerprints and we cannot search on user names. You can also deregister a selected device fingerprint or deregister all of the device fingerprints that belong to a specific user. When you deregister a device fingerprint, it is removed from the database.


  1. Log in to the local management interface.

  2. Click AAC.

  3. Under Manage, click Devices.

  4. Take one of the following actions:

      List device fingerprints:

      1. In the Search for the user ID field, type:

        • One or more characters and an asterisk * in the first or last position to search on partial matches. For example, enter g* to search for all user IDs that begin with g. The search is case-sensitive. Specifying an uppercase letter returns only uppercase results and specifying a lowercase letter returns only lowercase results.
        • A specific user ID.

      2. In the Maximum results field, the default value is 100. Use this value or change it to another value. The minimum value is 1. The maximum value is 1000.

      3. Click Search. A list of user IDs is displayed.

      4. Click a user ID in the User Results list. The Registered Device Fingerprints table is displayed.

      Deregister a registered device fingerprint:

      1. List the device fingerprints for a specific user.

      2. Click Deregister All to remove all of the device fingerprints for the user, or select a device fingerprint and click Deregister.

      3. Confirm to deregister the selected device fingerprints.

What to do next

To configure device fingerprint expiration, see Configure device fingerprint expiration.

Parent topic: Device fingerprints