Configure device fingerprint expiration

The administrator can specify the number of days that a device fingerprint can remain valid based on the number of days since the device was last used.

The user must re-register a device when the device fingerprint expires. For example, the user must re-register a device under the following circumstances:

The risk engine does not consider expired device fingerprints when it calculates risk scores. To use an expired device fingerprint, re-register the device.


  1. Log in to the local management interface.
  2. Click AAC.
  3. Under Global Settings, click Advanced Configuration.
  4. Configure the following properties:
    • deviceRegistration.checkForExpiredDevices
      1. Click Edit Edit.
      2. Select Enabled. This property enables the risk engine to check whether devices are inactive or expired.
      3. Click Save.
    • deviceRegistration.inactiveExpirationTime
      1. Click Edit Edit.
      2. Specify the number of days that device fingerprints remain valid if they are not used. The default is 90 days.
      3. Click Save.

Parent topic: Device fingerprints

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