Manage keytab files

Use the Keyfiles tab on the Kerberos Configuration management page in the LMI to manage these settings.

The Keyfiles tab contains settings for the keytab files used for Kerberos authentication. We can import, combine, and delete keytab files. We can also test authentication with a Kerberos principal name and keytab file.


  1. Select Web > Global Settings > Kerberos Configuration. The current Kerberos configuration is displayed.
  2. On the Keyfiles tab, take actions as needed.
    • Import a keytab file

      1. Click Import.
      2. In the Import Keytab File window, click Browse.
      3. Select the keytab file to be imported and then click Open.

      4. Click Import.
    • Delete a keytab file
      1. Select the file to delete from the table.

      2. Click Delete.
      3. In the Confirm Action window, click Yes.
    • Combine keytab files
      1. Select the keytab files to be combined from the table.

      2. Click Combine.
      3. In the Combine Keytab Files window, enter the name for the combined file in the New Resource Name field.

      4. Click Save.
    • Verify authentication with a keytab file
      1. Select the keytab file to test from the table.

      2. Click Test.
      3. In the Test Keytab Authentication window, provide the value of the Kerberos principal in the Username field.

      4. Click Test.

Parent topic: Kerberos configuration