Manage trial settings

Use the Trial page to upload a trial certificate to start the appliance trial.

The trial is activated by uploading a trial certificate. We can request a trial certificate by clicking the Request a trial on the IBM Marketplace link on the Trial page and following the instructions on the website. At the end of the trial request process, you will be able to download the trial license. We can then upload this trial license to the appliance to start using the appliance on a trial basis.

All offerings will be activated on a trial basis. After the trial expires, the offerings will be deactivated.

The trial can be reverted by uploading a special revocation trial certificate. When the revocation trial certificate is uploaded, the trial offerings will be deactivated. If we want any of the offerings to remain active, we must upload the activation key before reverting the trial.

When a trial period is activated, the remaining time for the trial is displayed in the title area of the LMI.

After the trial period expires, the runtime services of the appliance (for example, WebSEAL) will be disabled. If the administrator attempts to access the LMI after the appliance is disabled, the administrator will be automatically redirected to this Trial page.


  1. In the local management interface, go to System > Updates and Licensing > Trial.

  2. Click Import.

  3. Browse to the certificate and confirm the import operation.

Parent topic: Updates and licensing