Amazon EC2 support

We can deploy ISAM to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) environment.

Amazon EC2 is a web service that provides:

Deploying Security Verify Access to Amazon EC2 involves the following processes:

  1. Create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the appliance VHD image.
  2. Launch an instance of the AMI in Amazon EC2.
  3. To use the Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, configure the appliance to send statistical data to Amazon CloudWatch.
Complete these processes either manually or with an automated script. Obtain the script from the File Downloads page in the common > samples > deploy directory on a running appliance. To see script help, run the following command:

For details about how to use the Amazon EC2 command line interface to launch an instance, see Launching an Instance Using the Amazon EC2 CLI.

Parent topic: Virtual appliance tasks