Presentation problems

This section describes solutions to information presentation problems.

Identity Service Center page size is not configurable

On different pages that return search results, the maximum number of results displayed on a page is fixed to a value of 45. The page size in Identity Service Center is 45 and this value is currently not configurable.

Incorrect displays after running DBConfig

After you run the DBConfig command in either a single-server or a clustered environment, the following problems occur:.

To resolve the problem, reimport the Security Directory Integrator profile JAR files from ITIM_HOME/config/adapters.

Search returns no results in Identity Service Center

When a search string is added on the Search User page, no results are returned, even though the list of users was shown before..

Resolution: check permissions. The search operation returns the results only if a user is granted read permissions on all of the default search attributes in the search filter: Full Name, Title, Image Uniform Resource Identifier, and Email address..

Validation error icons do not display in form view when reviewing edited changes in Identity Service Center

Modification details in the form view display only the noncompliant error icons. Validation error icons do not display in the form view for any fields except for the field User ID..

Workaround: Use the table view to review the changes.. This is a known limitation.

Headers in the Identity Service Center do not disappear upon log out from Self-Service user interface

This problem occurs when tasks in the Identity Service Center user interface start in the Self-Service user interface..

After you complete the activity and log out of the Self-Service user interface, though we can see the Identity Service Center login window, the headers do not disappear.. This is a known limitation.

Incorrect display of multiple tasks in the administration console

If you rapidly open multiple tasks in the administration console, sometimes the tasks open in the same tab rather than in separate tabs. To prevent this problem, wait until one task is loaded by the browser before you start the next task.

If multiple tasks get loaded on the same tab, we can correct the problem by refreshing the page. To refresh the page, press F5 on your keyboard or click the refresh button on the web browser.

Blank spaces do not differentiate user-defined identifiers

Do not use blank spaces to differentiate user-defined identifiers such as the names of users or other objects. The user interface contracts two or more consecutive blank spaces into a single blank space. Example:

Attribute deleted from service profile is still displayed in the form designer

You delete an attribute from a service profile. The form designer continues to display the attribute, even though the attribute no longer exists in the LDAP directory.

You must delete the same attribute in the form designer. If you close and open the form designer after deleting the attribute, it is no longer included in the list of attributes for the service.

Create or modifying a form, a workflow design, or a policy might be hindered by timeout

Create or modifying a form, a workflow design, or configuring policy join behaviors might take longer than the session timeout interval. To avoid interruption, the session never times out while the Form Designer, Workflow Designer, or Policy join applet is running.

Exit the task if we want the session timeout interval to take effect.

Browser limitation when displaying home page

The home page might require too much time to display with the Mozilla Firefox web browser. The home page might be displayed without GUI labels.

If the network.http.pipelining property is set to true, the home page might load slowly. This enablement multiplies the number of HTTP requests that are sent to the server and might overload it and the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

Browser limitation when setting row or column restraints

If we specify row or column constraints for a text area with the Form Designer applet, Mozilla Firefox web browser might not recognize them. The browser might display more rows or columns than you specified.

Example: You change the number of rows in the Properties pane to 2. You expect that only two visible lines are displayed. Mozilla Firefox web browser displays more than two rows.

Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser adheres to the column and row attributes on a text area.

Browser limitation when selecting multiple image controls with the Shift key

We cannot select multiple image controls in the Mozilla Firefox web browser by pressing Shift and Click simultaneously. If you try to select multiple image controls, another browser opens. Radio buttons are an example of multiple image controls.

JAWS reader interprets symbol as greater than

The JAWS reader interprets the > symbol as greater than. The greater than phrase might confuse a visually impaired user, because one piece of text cannot be greater or less than another piece of text.

The JAWS reader also reads the > symbol as greater than for all pages in the console application that contain the symbol. For example: breadcrumbs, Next, and Back.

For Arabic locales, English numbers are displayed for calendar and date widgets

To change the numbers to Arabic in the regional setting of the operating system, change the Digit substitution field from Context to National.

Twistie next to node names with special characters in a tree widget might not display correctly in bidirectional mode

We might encounter a display problem when you work in bidirectional mode. In ISIM Console, the position of the twistie (►) next to a node or nodes in the tree widget might not display correctly. The display problem can occur when we do the following actions:

  1. We create and name the node in a tree widget with a combination of text, numbers, and special characters. For example, "abc %*##abc".
  2. You view ISIM Console in bidirectional mode.

The cause of this problem is that the special characters are misinterpreted as Arabic characters. Therefore, the web browser renders a mix of English and Arabic characters. However, this problem does not affect the strings of text and are considered for all other processing actions. This problem is only related to the display of the nodes and does not affect any operation.

Parent topic: Troubleshooting ISIM Server problems