Create a certificate
Use the iKeyman utility to create a self-signed certificate and extract the certificate to make it available for secure communication.
The iKeyman utility is in the IBM Security Directory Server.
- Start the iKeyman utility. For example, enter the gsk7ikm command in the /usr/local/ibm/gsk7/bin directory
- If the iKeyman utility cannot locate Java™, run this command: export JAVA_HOME=opt/IBM/ldapv6.1/java/jre
- On the IBM Key Management page, select Key Database File > Open > New.
- Select a default database type of CMS.
- In the File Name field, type a name for the CMS key database file. For example, type: LDAPSERVER_TEST1234.kbd
For example, the value specifies application_serverhostname where application is the directory server, and serverhostname is the computer that has the directory server.
- In the Location field, specify a location to store the key database file. For example, type /certs.
- Click OK.
- On the Password menu:
- Enter and then confirm a password, such as Pa$$word1.
- Specify the highest password strength possible.
- Specify Stash the password to a file?.
- Click OK.
- Select Create > New Self Signed Certificate and specify a label that matches the CMS key database file name, such as LDAPSERVER_TEST1234. This example uses the same name (LDAPSERVER_TEST1234) for both the certificate name and the key database file containing the certificate.
- Enter IBM in the Organization field, accept the remaining field default values, and click OK. A self-signed certificate, including public and private keys, now exists.
- For subsequent use with clients, extract the contents of the certificate into an ASCII Base-64 Encoded file. Complete these steps:
- Select Extract Certificate.
- Specify a data type of Binary DER Data.
A file with an extension of .der contains binary data. This format can be used only for a single certificate. Specify this format to extract a self-signed certificate..
- Name of the certificate file name we created, such as LDAPSERVER_TEST1234.der.
- Specify a location, such as /certs, in which you previously stored the key database file
- Click OK.
- Verify that the /certs directory contains the following files:
If we use an existing or newly acquired certificate from a CA, copy it to the /certs directory on root file system of the directory server.
File Description LDAPSERVER_TEST1234.crl Not used in this example. LDAPSERVER_TEST1234.der The certificate. LDAPSERVER_TEST1234.kbd Key database file that has the certificate. LDAPSERVER_TEST1234.rdb Not used in this example. LDAPSERVER_TEST1234.sth Stash file that has the password Alternatively, we can use the WebSphere Application Server administrative console to create a self-signed certificate.
- Select Security > SSL certificate and key management > Manage endpoint security configurations > {Inbound | Outbound} > ssl_configuration > Key stores and certificates > [keystore ]. From Additional Properties, click Personal certificates.
- Click Create a self-signed certificate
- Topics on securing directory communications in the IBM Security Directory Server Administration Guide at Global Security Kit Secure Sockets Layer Introduction and iKeyman User’s Guide at
Parent topic: Secure communication with supported middleware