Check out a credential or credential pool

Use this procedure to use privileges not associated with your normal account.

Credentials to obtain shared access are used by multiple users based on roles. They enable users to temporarily access needed applications. The checkout process places an exclusive lock on the credential. No other user can use the same credential concurrently.

  1. Log in to the self-service console.

  2. On the Home page, click Check out Credential.

    The Check out Credential page lists the credentials that we are authorized to access.

    • If we see the credential to access, continue to step 3.

    • If we do not see the credential we want, we can search for additional credentials:

      1. In the Search for Credential section of the page, click Search. The Search for Shared Credential page is displayed.

      2. Enter the name of the credential or credential pool to access or specify additional search criteria. Click Search.

        We can filter based on Service Type, Account Type, or Organizational Unit. We can specify that the search includes credentials for which we do not have authorization. See the online help for more details on the filters..

        Optionally, we can click Browse to search for organizational units. If we click Browse, the Search for Organizational Unit page is displayed. Specify search filters and click Search..

        The search returns a Search Results table that contains a list of credentials..

  3. Click the credential to check out.

    • If the Checkout Information page is displayed, we are authorized to access the credential. Continue with step 4.

    • If the Select Role page is displayed, we are not authorized to access the credential. We must request a role to access the credential or credential pool. Complete the following steps:

    1. Select a role that has access authority for the selected shared credential or credential pool.

      The table lists the roles that have access authority. We must obtain membership in one of the roles in order to check out the credential or credential pool.

    2. Review the list of shared access entitlements for the role that we selected and click Submit. A new page describes the request you submitted.

    3. A new page describes the request you submitted. Select one of the action links at the bottom of the page:

      • Click View My Requests to look at the status of the request.

        We must wait until the request is completed in order to continue with the check out of the credential or credential pool.

      • Click Check Out Credential to check out another credential.

      • Click ISIM Home link to return to the home page for the self service console.

    4. Return to step 2.

  4. Review the fields on the Checkout Information page and then complete the checkout.

    By default, this page contains only the Credential checkout expiration time field and the Justification field, but your administrator might specify additional fields.

    1. The Credential checkout expiration time field contains the date and time when your access to the credential expires. The administrator specifies the default maximum allowed lifetime for each checked-out credential. We can modify the expiration time to shorten the lifetime of the checked-out credential; however, we cannot extend the lifetime.

    2. In the Justification field, explain the reason you need access to the credential. By default, this field is optional.

    3. Click Check out. The Checkout Confirmation page is displayed.

Use the user ID and password that we checked out to log on to the application to use.

Parent topic: Access request to resources