Create default values to reduce user effort
The next step is to set default values to reduce the tasks users must complete to request an account on the manual service. For example, we might provide a default value for the user's employee number.
There are some account attributes for which a user does not know the value, or the administrator prefers to define a value. Commonly, a service owner is tasked with doing this step.
Log on to ISIM administrative console as itim manager.
To specify default values...
- Log in to the administrative console as an administrator.
- In the navigation tree, click Manage Services.
- On the Select a Service page, in the Service Type field, select LedgerAccount from the list and then click Search.
- In the Services table, click the icon () next to the LedgerAccount service and then select Account Defaults.
- On the Select an Account Attribute page, click Add.
- On the Select an Attribute to Default page, select Employee number and click Add (Basic).
- On the Employee number for ledger page, complete these fields:
- Prepend text
- Enter a value that represents a common, first element in all employee numbers. For example, enter the value 1A if all employee numbers begin with 1A.
- User attribute
- Click Search. Select the Employee number attribute and click OK.
- Append text
- Leave this field blank.
- Click OK to return to the Select an Account Attribute page.
Validate that the prefix for {Employee Number} is now in the Template value field.
- Click OK to save the account defaults.
- On the Success page, click Close.
Click Close again if you need to close any remaining pages for this task.
Parent topic: Configuration of a manual service