Modifiable property files

This table lists the IBM Security Identity Manager properties files that you can modify.

Table 1 lists the IBM Security Identity Manager properties files. Most files are in the Identity server property files tab of the Update Property page from the Appliance Dashboard of the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance console.

Additional properties files are not configurable. Do not modify them.

Property file name Description
adhocreporting The file supports the custom reporting module.
com_ibm_itim_isimm The file contains properties required for configuring the IBM Security Identity Manager mobile app that is deployed on WebSphere Application Server.
CustomLabels The property key and value pairs in the file are used by the ISIM user interface to display the label text for forms.
enRole The system configuration file contains many of the properties used to configure IBM Security Identity Manager.
enroleAuditing The property key and value pairs in the file are used to enable or disable the tracking of changes made by a Security Identity Manager user to business objects such as person, location, service, and other objects, or configuration of the system.
enRoleAuthentication The file specifies the type of method used by the ISIM Server to authenticate users and identifies the Java object that provides the specified authentication mechanism.
enroleExtensionAttributes The file contains properties to configure an image to show in the user cards that are shown in request access wizard associated with each user. The IBM Security Identity Manager provides a plug-in that can be used to dynamically generate the location (URI) of a user image. It is based on one or more attributes of the user.
enRoleFonts The file specifies font names for locale languages.
enRoleHiddenAttributes The file contains the attributes of each object class (for example, person, service, account, organization unit) that are invisible to the IBM Security Identity Manager Console. This hidden attribute list contains mostly attributes used by the system.
enrolepolicies The file provides standard and custom settings that support the functions of the provisioning policy.

The enroleStartup file is used to specify startup activities in the application server environment.

enroleworkflow The file specifies the XML file mappings for system-defined workflows.
helpmappings The file allows a customer to replace the installed Security Identity Manager help system with an alternative help system.
passwordrules The file is used to specify the custom class for generating passwords. IBM Security Identity Manager provides a default password generator.
ReportDataSynchronization The file contains properties to customize report data synchronization behavior.
reportingLabels This properties file is like other labels-related properties files such as, or, and holds labels used by Reports.
reporttabledeny By default, this property holds a list of Security Identity Manager tables used by various Security Identity Manager components to store internal or configuration data that is inappropriate for a report.
rest The properties of the file control the behavior of the REST interfaces that are included in IBM Security Identity Manager.
scriptframework For all new JavaScript extensions, use the file to configure script extensions and other scripting functions.
SelfServiceHelp The file can be used to redirect help to a custom location for customers who want to have their own help content for the self-service user interface.
SelfServiceHomePage The file is used to configure the sections of the initially installed home page for the self-service user interface. You can add or remove tasks, and update icon URLs and labels of the home page from this file.
SelfServiceUI The file controls miscellaneous properties of the self-service user interface.
ui The file specifies attributes that affect the operation and display of the ISIM graphical user interface.
UIConfig The file contains the several properties that affect the Identity Service Center interface.
wsExtensions The file contains properties to register new classes for use by the WSExtensionService to extend the existing web services.

Modifying values of the property files from the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance console

  1. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, select Configure > Advanced Configuration > Update Property to display the Update Property page. See Managing the server properties.
  2. In the Update Property page, click the Identity server property files tab.
  3. Select a properties file from its list. Depending on any property names and its values that are associated with the selected file, the right pane displays all of them.
  4. Select a property name. You can also use the search box to find a specific property name to update.
  5. Click Edit to open the Update property window.
  6. Edit the value in the Property value field.
  7. Click Save Configuration.
  8. On the Appliance Dashboard, you might be asked to restart the IBM Security Identity Manager Server.

Parent topic: Supplemental property files