Profile and schema cache properties
Profile and schema cache properties define system cache performance.
Properties used to configure system cache performance..
enrole.profile.timeout This property key and value affects performance tuning for IBM Security Identity Manager. Do not change it unless you are a qualified administrator.
Timeout value in minutes for information in the profile section of the cache. Information exceeding this timeout value is removed from the cache.
Example (default).
enrole.profile.timeout=10enrole.schema.timeout This property key and value affects performance tuning for IBM Security Identity Manager. Do not change it unless you are a qualified administrator.
Timeout value in minutes for information in the schema section of the cache. Information exceeding this timeout value is removed from the cache.
Example (default).
enrole.schema.timeout=10password.attributes Specifies which attribute is encrypted by the dataservices component.
Example (default, on a single line).
password.attributes=ersynchpassword erServicePassword erServicePwd1 erServicePwd2 erServicePwd3 erServicePwd4 erADDomainPassword erPersonPassword erNotesPasswdAddCert eritamcred erep6umdsenrole.reminder.timeout Do not change this property key and value unless you are a qualified administrator.
Specifies the cache interval (in minutes) for a workflow reminder.
enrole.reminder.timeout=10signedObjectsCacheTimeout Do not change this property key and value unless you are a qualified administrator.
Specifies the cache interval (in hours) for a signed objects.
signedObjectsCacheTimeout=8Parent topic: System property configuration in