IBM Security Identity Manager (ISIM) commands
The initial virtual appliance settings wizard runs the first time that an Administrator logs on to the command line interface (CLI) of an unconfigured virtual appliance. Use the virtual appliance command-line interface to run ISIM commands.
- Access the interface of the virtual appliance using either ssh or the console.
- From the cli, log on the virtual appliance. The following message is displayed:
$ isimvasrv
Welcome to ISIM appliance Enter "help" for a list of available commands
- Enter isim to use ISIM commands.
isimvasrv > isim
To see a list of available commands, enter the help command.
isimvasrv : isim > help
The commands are categorized into the following categories:
ilmt_scanner ILMT software scan and package preparation. Change specific Java Security properties. jvm_heapsize Change the jvm heap size for ISIM DMGR, Application and Message Member. jvm_property Work with the Application Server JVM properties. keystore_password Work with ISIM keystore. langpack Work with ISIM Server language packs. logs Work with ISIM log files. migration Work with ISIM migration utilities. nodes_administration Work with ISIM application server nodes in the cluster. remove_ssui Remove the Identity Manager self-service user interface. single_sign_on_settings Work with SSO. upgrade Work with ISIM upgrade. utilities Work with ISIM utilities.