Integration with IBM License Metric Tool

An IBM License Metric Tool disconnected scanner is integrated in the virtual appliance to periodically inventory software, and gather hardware information, in the virtual appliance node. The resulting report packages can be uploaded to the License Metric Tool server.

The disconnected scanner does capacity scans of the virtual appliance every 30 minutes and initiates a software scan once every week.

It also prepares scan results packages that can be uploaded manually to the IBM License Metric Tool server.

By means of the disconnected scanner, the virtual appliance automatically creates a License Metric Tool package once a week, every Sunday at 1:00 A.M.

The virtual appliance administrator can also use the ilmt_scanner CLI command to run software scans and create packages on demand. See Running the disconnected scanner.

The License Metric Tool package with the scan results is saved in the ilmt_output folder in the Custom File Management pane of the virtual appliance local management interface.

By default, ISIM virtual appliance has the following Software ID tag: IBM Security Identity Manager virtual applianc.

After a scan is completed, the administrator collects the report from the Custom File Management pane of the virtual appliance local management interface and manually uploads it to the License Metric Tool server.

On the License Metric Tool server, the user in charge can later run Software Classification tasks on the detected components to ensure the accuracy of the metric calculations accurate. See the IBM License Metric Tool documentation.

Parent topic: Cross-product integration