Collecting information from the external user registry

We must collect configuration settings from the external user registry for use when adding required users and configuring the security domain.

  1. If we do not already have the user registry installed, complete the installation and configuration.

    The exact steps for installing and configuring are specific to the user registry product. For example, for an LDAP registry, we must create a suffix, a domain, a user template, and a user realm. For an example of an IBM Security Directory Server user registry, see User registry configuration for external user registry.

  2. Collect the information that is required to configure the Application Server security domain.

    For example, for an LDAP user registry.

    Set Example
    LDAP server host IP address your host IP address
    LDAP server port address the LDAP server port
    The bind user name and the password. cn=root / secret
    The base DN of user repository dc=mycorp
    The object class name for the user InetOrgPerson
    The relative naming attribute for the user uid
    The object class names for groups. groupOfNames and groupOfUniqueNames
    The attribute names for group membership member and uniqueMember

Parent topic: Preinstall configuration for authentication with an external user registry

Parent topic: Configure the Identity external user registry

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