TMP_HostSEByPerson table
The TMP_HostSEByPerson4 table stores the information for service targets that are applicable to a specific user according to the host selection policy when a service entitlement target type is host selection policy. Information in this table is dynamically generated during service or group authorization for a specific user, and it is associated with a unique transaction ID that corresponds to the authorization evaluation process. The data is automatically removed by the system upon completion of the authorization evaluation process.
Column Name Description Data type se_id* Identifier of the service entitlement. Big integer transaction_id* System-generated transaction ID for the service or group access evaluation. Big integer target_id* The service identifier of the service target, based on the host selection policy. Big integer target_dn* The distinguished name of the service target, based on the host selection policy. Character (2000) * Indicates that the column is required and not null.
4 Indicates that the table is added in ISIM
Parent topic: Access catalog tables and views