T_ServiceEntitlement table

The T_ServiceEntitlement4 table stores the information for the service entitlement of a provisioning policy.

Column Name Description Data type
Id* System-generated ID of the service entitlement. Big integer
policy_id* Identifier of the provisioning policy. Big integer
target_type Service target type.
  • 0: Service profile
  • 1: Service instance
  • 2: All services
  • 3: Host selection policy target
Small integer
target_profile Service profile. Character (100)
target_id Identifier of the service. This column is applicable only when the target type is 1 (service instance). Big integer
Priority* Service entitlement priority. This is a system-calculated value based on the policy membership type, service entitlement target type, and service entitlement ownership type. Do not modify this column manually. Small integer
ownership_type Account ownership type to which the service entitlement is applicable. Character (20)

* Indicates that the column is required and not null.

4 Indicates that the table is added in ISIM

Parent topic: Access catalog tables and views