T_ProvisioningPolicy table

The T_ProvisioningPolicy4 table stores the information for provisioning policies. This information is replicated from LDAP to the database to optimize performance when searching for authorized access.

Column Name Description Data type
Id* Unique identifier of the provisioning policy. Big integer
Dn* Distinguished name of the provisioning policy. Character (2000)
Name* Name of the provisioning policy. Character (256)
scope Scope of the provisioning policy.
  • 1: Single-level
  • 2: Sub-tree
Small integer
status Indicates whether the policy is active or not.
  • 0: Active
  • 1: Inactive
Small integer
Bu*^ Distinguished name of the business unit of the provisioning policy. Character (2000)
priority Priority of the policy. Big integer

* Indicates that the column is required and not null.

^ Indicates that the column is associated with a generated lowercase column with name L_columnName.

4 Indicates that the table is added in ISIM

Parent topic: Access catalog tables and views