The WORKITEM table maintains a record of work items associated with manual workflow activities for running processes. The records associated with the process are removed after the process is completed.

Column Name Description Data type
ID* Unique work item ID. Primary key. Numeric
PROCESS_ID* Process ID associated with this work item. References PROCESS (ID). Numeric
ACTIVITY_ID* Activity ID associated with this work item. References ACTIVITY (ID). Numeric
CREATED Date the work item was created. Character (50)
INPUT_PARAMETERS Parameters that were passed into the workflow for this work item (serialized form of a list). Long Character
DUE_DATE Due date for the work item. After this time, the work item is escalated, or if it already escalated, the work item is canceled. Numeric
LOCK_OWNER LDAP DN for the participant that currently has this work item locked (might be null if no one owns the lock). Character (512)
DESCRIPTION Activity ID associated with the data, if any. Character (4000)
PROCESS_DEFINITION_ID* The process definition ID for the process that created this work item. Character (512)
ACTIVITY_DEFINITION_ID* The activity definition ID for the activity that this work item relates to. Character (100)
ACTIVITY_TYPE The type of the activity that this work item relates to. Values include:

Application (A.

Subprocess (S.

Loop (L.

Route (R.

Manual (M.

Operation (O.

Character (1)
ACTIVITY_SUBTYPE The activity subtype that corresponds to this work item. Values for manual activity type include:

Approval (AP.

Request For Information (RI.

Work Order (WO.

Compliance Alert (CA.

Packaged Approval (PA)1

Character (2)
ACTIVITY_NAME The activity name that corresponds with this work item. Character (100)
REQUESTEE_NAME The common name of the requestee of the process that created this work item. Character (100)
REQUESTER_NAME The common name of the entity that requested the process that created this work item. Character (100)
SUBJECT The subject of the process that created this work item. Character (2000)

* Indicates the column is required and not null.

1 Indicates the column or the value is added in release 5.1.

Parent topic: Workflow tables