The WORKFLOW_CALLBACK table is used by the workflow engine to allow for callbacks to be notified when a process completed. A callback is a JMS message object (MESSAGE_OBJECT) that is put into the workflow JMS queues to be run after the PROCESS_ID completes. This callback allows for control of the workflow to be given back to the original Orchestrator of the process. After a workflow process completes, all callbacks are notified and cleared from this table.
Column Name Description Data type ID* Identifier for a callback. Primary key. Numeric PROCESS_ID* Process identifier. References PROCESS (ID) Numeric MESSAGE_OBJECT* The callback message object. Character (2000) EVENT_TRIGGER Workflow state that this callback is queued. Values include: Running (R.
Not Started (I.
Terminated (T.
Aborted (A.
Suspended (S.
Completed (C.
Bypassed (B.
Character (1) * Indicates the column is required and not null.
Parent topic: Workflow tables