The USERRECERT_HISTORY1 table stores recertification policy audit information for user recertification policies. This table is used by the User Recertification History Report. Each row in the table represents the completion of a user recertification policy approval. Specific resources and decisions that were included in the approval are recorded and described in the following additional tables.
Column Name Description Data type ID* A unique identifier for the user recertification approval. Primary key. Numeric PROCESS_ID* The workflow process ID associated with this recertification. Numeric ACTIVITY_ID* The workflow approval activity ID associated with this recertification. Numeric PERSON_DN The DN of the user who is being recertified. Character (255) PERSON_NAME The name of the person who is being recertified. Character (240) PERSON_PROFILE The name of the profile for the person who is being recertified. Character (128) PERSON_EMAIL The email address of the person who is being recertified. Character (240) PERSON_CUSTOM_DISPLAY The custom display attribute of the person who is being recertified. Character (240) PERSON_STATUS The status of the person who is being recertified. The following values are valid: Active (0.
Inactive (1.
Numeric PERSON_CONTAINER_DN The DN of the container that holds the person who is being recertified. Character (255) PERSON_CONTAINER_NAME The name of the container that holds the person who is being recertified. Character (128) POLICY_DN The DN of the recertification policy that is being run. Character (255) POLICY_NAME The name of the recertification policy that is being run. Character (240) SUBMITTED_DATE Timestamp when recertification started for this account/access. Character (50) TIMEOUT An integer flag that indicates whether the workflow timed out or completed normally. The following values are valid: Completed without timeout (0.
Timeout (1.
Numeric * Indicates the column is required and not null.
1 Indicates the column or the value is added in release 5.1.
Parent topic: Recertification policy tables