The SOD_VIOLATION_HISTORY1 table stores historical information about exemptions and violations for a separation of duty policy.

Column Name Description Data type
ID* Unique ID for this historical record of separation of duty violation. Primary key. Numeric
POLICY_GLOBAL_ID* The global identifier of the separation of duty policy in LDAP to which this record refers. Numeric
RULE_GLOBAL_ID* The global identifier of the separation of duty policy rule in LDAP to which this record refers. Numeric
PERSON_GLOBAL_ID* The global identifier of the person to which this violation refers in LDAP. Numeric
PERSON_NAME Name of the person to which this violation refers. Character (256)
PERSON_BU Name of the business unit for the person in PERSON_DN. Character (256)
PERSON_DN DN to the person record as specified in ISIM LDAP store. Character (2000)
PROCESS_ID The associated workflow process ID that changed the state of this violation. It might not have a value if the violation was discovered by policy evaluation or exemption administration through the administrative console. Numeric
ADMIN_NAME Name of the person who revoked or exempted this violation. Character (256)
ADMIN_BU Name of the business unit for the person in ADMIN_DN. Character (256)
ADMIN_DN DN to the person record who revoked or exempted this violation as specified in ISIM LDAP store. Character (2000)
ADMIN_NOTES Justification notes (text) that the person in column ADMIN_DN entered at time of revoke/exempt of violation. Character
STATUS The state of this historical record about a violation or exemption. Valid values are:

Violation (V.

Exemption (A.

Revoked Exemption (R.

No longer a violation (N.

Character (1)
TS* Timestamp when the action recorded in this record occurred. Numeric

* Indicates the column is required and not null.

1 Indicates the table is added in release 5.1.

Parent topic: Separation of duty policy tables