The PO_NOTIFICATION_TABLE table stores information about the original notification objects that the post office component aggregates. All information about the original notification is stored in this table except for the XHTML body.

Column Name Description Data type
NOTIFICATION_ID* A unique ID that identifies this particular notification. Primary key. Numeric
TOPIC_ID* A reference to the topic ID as stored in the PO_TOPIC_TABLE for this notification. References PO_TOPIC_TABLE(TOPIC_ID). Numeric
SUBJECT The subject of the original notification message. Character (2000)
TEXTBODY The text body of the original notification message. Long Character
RECEIVE_TIME* The time the notification was intercepted by post office, which is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 Greenwich mean time. Numeric
RECIPIENT_EADDR* The email address of the recipient of the original notification message. Character (320)
RECIPIENT_LOCALE The locale of the recipient of the original notification message. Character (256)

* Indicates the column is required and not null.

Parent topic: Post office tables