The erServiceItem class is an auxiliary class that describes an owned service. This class is a domain entry. The parent class is top.
Attribute name Description Enter erServiceName Name of the service. directory string owner DN of the service owner. distinguished name erPrerequisite Required prerequisite for the account. distinguished name erNonComplianceAction Compliant action for accounts of the service. Possible values are:
- Mark NonCompliant (0)
- Suspend NonCompliant (1)
- Correct NonCompliant (2)
- Use Workflow (3)
- Use Global Settings (4)
integer erAlertOption Option settings for when compliance alert is triggered. Only applicable when compliant action is set to 3 (Use Workflow). Possible values are:
- Reconciliation (0)
- Policy change (1)
- Person data change (2)
- Account data change (3)
integer description Description of the service. directory string erConnectionMode3 The current Connection Mode of the Service Instance, such as Manual or Automatic. directory string erURI3 The universal resource identifier. directory string erTag3 The service tag. directory string erServiceSSOMapping3 Corresponding IBM Security Access Manager ESSO Service ID for a service item. directory string 3 Indicates the attribute is added in ISIM 6.0.
Parent topic: Service classes