
The erAccountItem class is an auxiliary class that defines required attributes for a user account. The parent class is top.

Attribute name Description Enter
erUid Account login ID. directory string
Owner DN of the account owner. distinguished name
erAccountStatus Account status. integer
erAccountCategory Account category. directory string
erAccountCompliance Compliancy of the account. Possible values are:

Uncheck account (0)

Compliant account (1).

Unauthorized account (2.

Constraints violated account (3.

erPassword Account login password. binary
erPswdLastChanged Date and time that the password was last changed. generalized time
erHistoricalPassword Previous account login password. binary
erService DN of the account service. distinguished name
erLastAccessDate Last login date. generalized time
erPasswordLastChangedBy4 The DN of the person which last changed the password. distinguished name
erCreateDate Timestamp of when the object is created. The timestamp is in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) format. directory string
erLastAction The last action performed on the entity. directory string
erLastStatusChangeDate Timestamp of when the status is updated. The timestamp is in GMT format. directory string
erLastOperation Available for custom use for lifecycle event. directory string
erLastCertifiedDate1 Timestamp of when the object was last certified. directory string
erLastRecertificationAction2 The last recertification action applied to the account. Valid values are:

Certified (CERTIFIED.

Administrator override certified (CERTIFIED_ADMIN.

Rejected and marked (REJECTED_MARK.

Rejected and suspended (REJECTED_SUSPEND.

directory string
erLastRecertificationActionDate3 Timestamp of the last recertification action applied to the account. directory string
erAccessLastCertifiedDate2 Timestamp of when the access was last certified. A multivalued attribute that contains “;;” delimited strings. The first part of each string is the DN of the group definition associated with the access. The second part is the timestamp of when the access was last certified. directory string
erAccessRecertificationLastAction2 The last recertification action applied to a group or access. A multivalued attribute that contains “;;” delimited strings. The first part of each string is the DN of the group definition. The second part is the last action taken on the group or access. Valid values are:

Certified (CERTIFIED.

Administrator override certified (CERTIFIED_ADMIN.

Rejected and marked (REJECTED_MARK.

directory string
erAccessRecertificationLastActionDate3 Timestamp of the last recertification action applied to a group or access. A multivalued attribute that contains “;;” delimited strings. The first part of each string is the DN of the group definition. The second part is the timestamp of the last action. directory string
erObjectType2 The value represents the type of the account. Predefined values are:

0 – user accoun.

1 – system accoun.

erObjectProfileName Name of the ownership type. directory string
erAccountOwnershipType4 The account ownership type. If the value is not specified, it is interpreted as Individual account. directory string
erURI4 The universal resource identifier. directory string
erCVCatalog4 The DN of the credential if the account is added to the credential vault. distinguished name

1 Indicates the attribute is added in release 4.6 Express .

2 Indicates the class is added in release 5.0.

3 Indicates the class is added in release 5.1.

4 Indicates the attribute is added in ISIM 6.0.

Parent topic: Service classes