This table represents a single attribute value change.
Column Name Description Data type CHANGE_ID* Sequential identifier for a single attribute change for an account provision or modify action. Primary key. Character (32) ATTR_NAME* Name of the attribute associated with a value operation. Character (100) ATTR_VALUE Value of the attribute associated with the operation. Character (2000) OPERATION_TYPE* Enter of attribute operation: ADD=.
Numeric PRIVILEGE_ACTION_TYPE* Enter of privilege action associated with the attribute value operation: REVOKATION=.
Numeric ATTR_VALUE_PRESENCE* The old state value of the attribute value before an ADD, REMOVE, or REPLACE operation: ADD=.
UNCHANGED is valid for multi-valued only.
Numeric POLICY_ANALYSIS_ID* The analysis session ID. References ACCT_CHANGE(CHANGE_ID). Character (32) ACCT_CHANGE_ID* Account enforcement action ID for the attribute change operation. References ACCT_CHANGE(CHANGE_ID). Character (32) * Indicates the column is required and not null.
Parent topic: Provisioning policy tables