Create an identity feed service

Create a service instance for an identity type, such as CSV or DSML.

Before we can create a service in ISIM, we must create a service type. Alternatively, we can use one of the service types that was automatically created when ISIM Server was installed. We can create a service type by installing the adapter profile. We can also add new schema classes and attributes for the service to the LDAP directory. Before we can create a service for an adapter, the adapter must be installed, and the adapter profile must be created.

The service name and description that you provide for each service are displayed on the console. Therefore, it is important to provide values that make sense to your users and administrators.

To create an identity feed service instance...

  1. Click Manage Services. The Select a Service page is displayed.

  2. On the Select a Service page, click Create. The Create a Service wizard is displayed.

  3. On the Select the Type of Service page, select an identity feed service type, and then click Next.

  4. On the Service Information page, specify the appropriate values for the service instance.

  5. Click Test Connection to validate that the data in the fields is correct, and then click Finish.

For the inetOrgPerson identity feed, a successful test connection message confirms that all required fields are filled and that the specified target can be reached. It does not guarantee that reconciliation of the LDAP resource is successful or produces the wanted results.

A message indicates that you successfully created the service instance for the specific identity feed service type.

Schedule reconciliation, or run a reconciliation immediately with the task list associated with the service.

When the Select a Service page is displayed, click Refresh to refresh the Services table and display the new service instance.

Parent topic: Identity feed management