Create access types
As an administrator, we can create additional access types, such as for intranet web applications or Active Directory (AD) application shared folders.
Over time, several accesses might be defined. Classify them into commonly available accesses or use categories for searches for infrequent accesses. The name of an access type cannot contain a back slash (\).
To create an access type in the tree structure...
- Click Configure System > Manage Access Types to display the Manage Access Types page. The Manage Access Types page lists the default access types.
- On the Manage Access Types page, click the icon next to the Access Types node.
- Click Create Type to display the Create Access Type page.
- On the Create Access Type page, complete the following steps:
- In the Access Type Key field, provide a key name. For example, Payroll.
- In the Description field, provide a description about the access type.
- Click OK to save the access type. A message indicates that you successfully created an access type. The Manage Access Types page displays the new access type in the tree structure.
- Create additional access types, or click Close.
- We can add property key and value pairs in the resource bundle to provide the display label for this access type.
See the topic in the IBM Security Identity Manager Reference Guide.
- Users can request access to the new access type.
Parent topic: Access type management