Manage the Oracle data store configuration

Use the Database Server Configuration page to configure, reconfigure, or unconfigure the Oracle data store for the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance.

Configure or reconfigure the Identity data store options for the Oracle data store.

Button Data store options

Configure with the existing database
Configure with the existing database. If we select this check box, you need not specify values to the other configuration parameters.

Database type
Select the database type from the list. To configure the Oracle data store, select Oracle.

Host name
Name of the server hosting the data store. The acceptable formats for the host name are FQDN, IPv4, or IPv6. For example:

Data store service port. For example: 1521.

Oracle SID or Service name
Specify the Oracle System ID (SID) or the service name to identify the database. For example, isimdb.
Select or clear the Service name check box to manage the following aspects:

  • If we select the check box, the value is treated as service name.

  • If we do not select the check box, the value is treated as SID.

Database Administrator ID
User with database administrator privileges. For example: isiminst. During the database configuration for a virtual appliance, the user must be the database owner. For example, isiminst. This database owner must be the same user who created the database.

Database Administrator Password
Password for the user with database administrator privileges.

Database User ID
User ID for the Identity data store database that we created.

Database User Password
Password for the Identity data store user ID.

Oracle ASM Location
Specify the Oracle Automatic Storage Management path. For example: +diskgroup/dbname/. The path separator that is allowed for Oracle ASM is /.
Reconfigure Reconfiguration does not update the database schema. It configures only ISIM with new database details.

Configure with the existing database
Configure with the existing database. If we select this check box, you need not specify values to the other configuration parameters.

Host name
Name of the server hosting the data store. For example:

Data store service port. For example: 1521.

Database Administrator Password
Password for the user with database administrator privileges.

Database User Password
Password for the Identity data store user ID.

  1. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, click Configure > Manage External Entities > Database Server Configuration. The Database Server Configuration page displays the Database Server Configuration table.

  2. Click Configure.

  3. In the Database Server Configuration Details window set. See Table 1.

  4. Click Save Configuration to complete this task.

  5. Optional: To reconfigure an existing Oracle data store configuration, do these steps:

    1. Before reconfiguring, create a snapshot to recover from any configuration failures. See Manage the snapshots.

    2. From the Database Server Configuration table, select a record. For example, Oracle data store.

    3. Click Reconfigure.

    4. In the Edit Identity data store details window, edit the variable values. See Table 1.

    5. Click Save Configuration.

  6. Optional: To unconfigure an existing Oracle data store, do these steps:

    1. From the Database Server Configuration table, select a record. For example, Oracle data store.

    2. Click Unconfigure.

    3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Parent topic: Virtual appliance configuration