Form designer interface
Use the work areas in the form designer applet to design custom forms by doing actions on form templates, tabs, and attributes. The form designer interface has these work areas:
- Menu and toolbar buttons
- Use the menu bar and toolbar buttons to do actions on form templates, tabs, and attributes. Place the mouse cursor over a toolbar button to view its function. The following menu items and toolbar buttons are available:
Menu bar Menu item Toolbar button Action Click Form to open, save, or reset a form template to the last saved design. Open Form Template Open the form template selected from the category folders. Save Form Template Save the form template currently open. Reset Form Template None Reset the form template to the last saved design. Click Tab to add, rename, delete, or shift a tab left or right in the interface. Tabs are displayed in the Template Attributes work area of the form designer applet. The tab names in the form designer correspond to the tab names in the resulting notebook forms in ISIM interface. Add Tab Add a container for grouping form elements. Rename Tab None Rename an existing tab container. Shift Tab Left Shift an existing tab container to the left. Shift Tab Right Shift an existing tab container to the right. Delete Tab Delete an existing tab from the form template. Click Attribute to edit, delete, move an attribute up or down in the interface, or change the control type of an attribute. Attributes are displayed in the Template Attributes work area of the form designer applet. Edit Attribute None Edit and configure an attribute. Delete Attribute Remove an attribute from a form template. Move Up Attribute Reposition the attribute up 1 space in the attribute list of the form template. Move Down Attribute Reposition the attribute down 1 space in the attribute list of the form template. Change To None Change the selected attribute control type to a newly selected control type. Click View to select various interface viewing options, such as floating work areas or viewing the source of the form template. Float Attribute List Move the attribute list from the form designer to a floating pop-up window. Float Property Move the property list from the form designer to a floating pop-up window. View Source Open a pop-up window that displays the XML source for the form template. Click Menu.theme to select an interface theme for the form designer applet. Default Theme None Applies the default menu theme to the form designer interface. High Contrast, Big Font Theme None Apply a large font and high contrast colors to the form designer interface. High Contrast Theme None Applies high contrast colors to the form designer interface. - Categories
- Use the left pane of the form designer to select a category, such as Account, Organization, or Service. Each form category is associated with object profiles that represent system entities. Each object profile is associated with a form template. Double-click a category folder to expand the list of available form templates for that category. Loading the list of form templates might take some time. The list of form templates for some categories varies, depending on which service types exist.
Double-click a form template to open it.
- Template Attributes
- Use the middle pane of the form designer to view and change the active attributes for a selected form template. Right-click the attribute to display the available actions for that attribute. For example, a Service form template has a $servicename attribute. To change the control type associated with an attribute, right-click the attribute and click Change to on the list.
- Attribute List
- Use this list to view all of the attributes for the selected object that are not currently included on the form. We can sort the list in ascending or descending order, and we can add attributes from this list to the list of active template attributes. For example, an Organization object has additional attributes, such as $postalcode, that we might add to the list of active template attributes.
- Properties
- Contains Format and Constraint tabs, which specify data type and other parameters for a specific attribute. For example, the data type for a $servicename attribute is Directory String, and it is a required attribute.
- Search filter attribute with multiple values displays comma-separated strings
When we use the Search Filter on any IBM Security Identity Manager forms, if adding the source entity with an attribute (Source Attribute) of multiple values, multiple values are displayed in comma-separated strings. This problem occurs instead of showing the "attribute" of the source entity when you reopen the form.Parent topic: Form customization