Customization of Identity Service Center files
As a site administrator, we can customize Identity Service Center to meet specific business needs. Customization involves either copying and modifying files provided by IBM or creating our own custom files to use in place of the IBM files. Ensure that new and modified custom files are placed in the correct location. Otherwise, the files cannot be found and used by Identity Service Center.
Customize the Identity Service Center user interface requires access to files and folders under the WebSphere Application Server configuration folder of your IBM Security Identity Manager runtime environment. See Location of Identity Service Center customizable files for the exact location of the files and folders to which you need access. To obtain access to the necessary files and folders, contact the system administrator.
The Identity Service Center can be customized in many ways. To customize a particular aspect of the Identity Service Center such as the login page, or the home page, see the appropriate customization instructions. Most customization tasks involve changing or providing replacements for one or more of the customizable files provided by IBM. This procedure describes how to create a custom file and where to place the custom file so that it can be used by ISIM server. Use the following sections to work with customizing Identity Service Center files from the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance console:
- To edit any custom files, see Manage custom files.
- To edit properties or other files, see Manage the server properties.
- To start, stop, or restart servers, see View the Server Control widget.
Many of the customizable files contain text that is translated into multiple languages for globalization. For customizable globalization files, a default file exists that is not locale-specific, such as Locale-specific files also exist for each supported language such as for French and for Arabic. The instructions in the following sections describe how to customize the default version of a globalization file only. If we choose to customize globalization files, follow the same instructions to customize the locale-specific versions of the files. We must customize the files for each language that you intend to support in the environment.
Parent topic: Identity Service Center user interface customization