Change connection mode from manual to automatic

After installing the adapter, we can automate the routing of account requests to the managed resource.

Before we can change a service, we must create the service instance with connection mode. The corresponding adapter for the managed resource must also be installed. For more information about enabling connection mode and creating a service with connection mode, see these topics:

Use connection mode to change the account request routing from manual to automatic. We do not have to delete a manual service or create a service for the adapter. If we have pending work orders prior to switching the connection mode, a popup message reminds you. Use the View Activities option to resolve requests that are already in the activity list. After the switch to automatic, complete reconciliation to sync with the end point. Alternately, use the View Requests by Service option to cancel any current requests on the service. We can resolve the requests either before or after changing to automatic connection mode. After the change to automatic connection mode, the managed resource handles all new account requests.

To change the connection mode for a service instance...

  1. From the navigation tree, click Manage Services. The Select a Service page is displayed.

  2. On the Select a Service page:

    1. Enter information about the service in the Search information field.

    2. In the Search by field, specify whether to search against services or business units.

    3. Select a service type from the Search type list.

    4. Select a status from the Status list, and then click Search. A list of services that matches the search criteria is displayed.

  3. In the Services table, select the check box next to the service to change, and then click Change.

  4. On the Service Information or General Information page, change the connection mode from manual to automatic. Then click Test Connection to validate that the data in the fields is correct. If the connection fails, contact the analyst who is responsible for the computer on which the managed resource runs. The content of the Service Information or General Information page depends on the type of service that we are changing.

  5. Change any other appropriate values for the service instance, and then click OK.

A message is displayed, indicating that you successfully changed the service instance. The managed resource handles all account requests.

Select another services task, or click Close. When the Select a Service page is displayed, click Refresh to refresh the Services table.

Parent topic: Services administration