Transferring roles

As an administrator, we can transfer static and dynamic roles in an organization tree.

We can transfer static and dynamic roles to the business unit that is under the same organization root. Following are a few restrictions for role transfer activity:

  1. From the navigation tree, select Manage Roles.

  2. On the Manage Roles page:

    1. Enter information about the role in the Search information field.

    2. In the Search by field, specify whether to search against role names or descriptions, or against business units, and then click Search.

  3. In the Roles table, click the icon next to the role to transfer, and then click Transfer.
  4. Search and then select the business unit to which to transfer roles and then click OK.

  5. On the Confirmation page, complete either of these steps:
    • For dynamic roles, select the schedule for transfer, and then click Transfer.
    • For static roles, review the selected roles to transfer and then click Transfer.

A Success page is displayed, indicating that you successfully transferred the roles.

Parent topic: Role administration