Manage the support files

IBM Customer Support uses support files to help us troubleshoot problems with ISIM virtual appliance. Support files contain all log files, temporary and intermediate files, and command output needed to diagnose customer support problems.

Support files might contain customer-identifiable information, such as IP addresses, host names, user names, and policy files. Support files do not contain confidential information, such as passwords, certificates, and keys. All files inside a support file contain text that can be inspected and censored by the customer.The support file contents are stored in a .zip file.Tip: We can create multiple support files to track an issue over time.

  1. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, click...

      Manage > System Settings > Support Files

  2. On the Support Files page, do one or more of the following actions.

      Option Description
      New To create a support file:
      1. Click New.
      2. In the Comments field of the Create Support file window, type a comment to describe the support file.
      3. Click Save Configuration.
      Edit To edit the comment for a support file:
      1. Select a support file.
      2. Click Edit.
      3. On the Edit Support file window, edit the existing comment in the Comments field.
      4. Click Save Configuration.
      Delete To delete support files:
      1. Select one or more support files.
      2. Click Delete.
      3. Click Yes to confirm.
      Download To download support files:
      1. Select one or more support files.
      2. Click Download.
      3. Browse to the location where to save the support files.
      4. Save the file.

      If we download multiple support files, the files are compressed into a .zip file.

Parent topic: Manage system settings for the virtual appliance