Options - Access Control

Use this page to complete a workflow process data report. When you generate a report, be sure to close the report window in your browser before you generate another report. If we do not close the open report window before generating another report, the data for subsequent reports might not be accurate.

Account Operations
Click this link to define the parameters for a report on account request activity.

Account Operations Performed by an Individual
Click this link to define the parameters for a report on account request activity by an individual.

Approvals and Rejections
Click this link to define the parameters for a report on approval and rejection activity.

Operation Report
Click this link to define the parameters for a report on all operations submitted by an individual.

Pending Approvals
Click this link to define the parameters for a report on pending approvals for requests.

Rejected Report
Click this link to define the parameters for a report that lists all operations submitted by an individual.

User Report
Click this link to define the parameters for a report on all requests, the set of operations that were requested, who the operations were requested for, and who requested them.
This page also indicates the last date and time that ISIM data was synchronized for a report.

Parent topic: Administration console