User Report - Access Control

Use this page to narrow the scope of this report by providing search criteria.

Submitted By
Click Search to specify the name of a user who submitted the request.

If a name exists in this field, click Clear to specify that any user be used in generating the report.

Click Search to specify the name of a user who received the request.

If a name exists in this field, click Clear to specify that any user be used in generating the report.

Start Date
Specify a starting date for which to obtain information. Use the calendar icon adjacent to the field to specify a date. The default date is one month prior to the current date.

In the resulting report, the Start Date report criteria includes a default time of 12:00 AM.

End Date
Specify an ending date for which to obtain information. By specifying values for this field and the Start Date field, we can define boundaries for the report data that is returned. Use the calendar icon adjacent to the field to specify a date. The current date is the default date.

In the resulting report, the End Date report criteria includes a default time of 11:59 PM.

Indicates whether the output format of the report is PDF or CSV format.

Parent topic: Administration console