Personal Information - Access Control

Use this notebook page to specify personal information about the user that we are creating.

Your ability to change and view profile information is determined by the authority the system administrator has granted to you. Contact your help desk or system administrator for information about profiles. The following fields are the default fields.

Last name
Enter the user's last name or family name.

Full name
Identifies a value for distinguishing users, such as the user's full name.

Preferred user ID
Enter the user ID. This determines the default user ID that new accounts and access use when they are created.

First name
Contains the user's first name or given name.

Contains the user's initials.

Home address
Contains the user's postal address at home.

Shared secret
Contains a value to use to retrieve a new password when the password is reset.

Organizational roles
Assign an organizational role. To select a role, click Search. For information about organizational roles, contact the system administrator. To remove an organizational role from the list, select the role and click Delete. If we do not have the appropriate authority, this field is read-only.

If we are an administrator, use caution if you assign persons to membership in groups so we can prevent unwanted assignments.

Click other tabs to specify additional information.

We can use these buttons.

Submit Now
Click to submit the request immediately. This button is not displayed if your administrator requires you to enter a password.

Schedule Submission
Click to schedule the request. This button is not displayed if your administrator requires you to enter a password.

Parent topic: Create a User