Contact Information - Access Control

Use this notebook page to view and change the user's contact information.

Your ability to change and view profile information is determined by the authority the system administrator has granted to you. Contact your help desk or system administrator for information about profiles. The following fields are the default fields.

E-mail address
Contains the e-mail address. If no e-mail address exists, the user does not receive a password for a new account in an e-mail message and must call the help desk or contact a manager.

Telephone number
Contains the work telephone number.

Mobile telephone number
Contains the mobile telephone number.

Contains the pager number.

Home telephone number
Contains the home telephone number.

Contains the alias associated with the user ID. Aliases are sometimes used to determine account ownership for unowned accounts by matching up with user IDs for those accounts. To add an alias to the list of aliases, click Add. To delete an alias from the list, select the alias and click Delete. If we do not have the proper authority, this field is read-only. If we have authority and are unsure of what to put in this field, contact your help desk or administrator for assistance.

Click other tabs to specify additional information.

We can use these buttons.

Click to add an alias.

Click to remove an alias from the alias list, if any exist.

Submit Now
Click to submit the request immediately.

Schedule Submission
Click to schedule the request.

Parent topic: Change Profile