Development environment configurations
Setup your development environment for testing and debugging portlets on the local development machine or on a remote server. The following product combinations are supported.
You cannot develop portlets on the iSeries. All development must be done on a Windows platform.
Supported server environments Supported WebSphere Studio and Portal Toolkit combinations WebSphere Portal V4.2.1 2 3 WebSphere Portal V4.2.2 2 3 WebSphere Portal V5.0 WebSphere Portal V5.0.2 Application Developer V5.0.1 1 Portal Toolkit V5.0 yes
no yes no Application Developer V5.1 1
Portal Toolkit V5.0.2yes
no no yes Site Developer V5.0.1 1
Portal Toolkit V5.0yes
no yes no Site Developer V5.1 1
Portal Toolkit V5.0.2yes
no no yes Application Developer Integration Edition V5.0.1
Portal Toolkit V5.0yes
no yes no Enterprise Developer V5.0.1
Portal Toolkit V5.0yes
no yes no Notes:
- For the WebSphere Studio Application Developer and Site Developer products, local debugging of portlets that use personalization and parallel rendering is not supported. For example, you can build a personalized portlet using one of these products, but use remote server attach to test and debug that feature.
- Local debugging on WebSphere Portal V4.2.1 requires DB2 V7.2 with Fix Pack 8 on the same machine. Also, the corresponding version of WebSphere Portal must be installed into the WebSphere Application Server v4.0 Test Environment of WebSphere Studio.
- You can also setup server attach to test portlets on a remote WebSphere Portal V4.2 server. Refer to the Portal Toolkit online help for the most complete and current details about requirements and setup instructions for server attach.
The following shows the hardware and software requirements for each development environment configuration. Refer to the Portal Toolkit Installation guide for detailed information about setting up each configuration. Refer to the Portal Toolkit online help for information about creating a portal server configuration for debugging.
Local debug
During the installation of Portal Toolkit, the portal server is installed to the WebSphere Test Environment of WebSphere Studio. After installation, you will need to create a server with an environment type of WebSphere Portal Test Environment. Authentication is not provided in this configuration. The full portlet development environment with all prerequisite software on a single machine requires the following:
Development machine, local debug Hard disk space 3 GB plus storage for portlet development projects Memory 768 MB minimum, 1 GB recommended Operating system One of the following
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3
- Windows XP with Service Pack 1
WebSphere Portal V5.0: Fixed IP address WebSphere Portal V5.0.2: Fixed IP address or DHCP Notes:
- For local debugging in WebSphere Studio V5.0.1, the following updates must be installed into the WebSphere Application Server V5 runtime environment:
- PQ73644_fix-temp.jar
- PQ76567.jar
- WAS_Dynacache_05-08-2003_5.0.1_cumulative_fix.jar
- WAS_CM_08-12-2003_5.0.2-5.0.1_cumulative_Fix.jar
- For local debugging in WebSphere Studio V5.1, see the readme for WebSphere Portal V5.0.2 for the list of all required WebSphere Application Server interim fixes.
Server attach
This configuration allows you to test portlets using a remote WebSphere Portal installation. After installation, you will need to create a server with an environment type of WebSphere Portal Server Attach . For the server attach configuration, follow the installation instructions for setting up WebSphere Portal.
Development machine Hard disk space 2 GB plus storage for portlet development projects Memory 512 MB minimum, 768 MB recommended Operating system One of the following
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3
- Windows XP with Service Pack 1
Remote server Hard disk space 1.5 GB plus storage for portlets Memory 768 MB minimum, 1 GB recommended Operating system One of the following
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2
- Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3
Software WebSphere Portal, including all pre-requisite software See also