Install WebSphere Portal


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WebSphere Portal offers three installation modes, each designed to meet a different set of user requirements. This section will help you determine which installation mode is right for you.

If you have not done so, it is highly recommended that you review Installation scenarios before installing WebSphere Portal. The Installation scenarios topic gives you a high-level overview of all steps needed to get the portal server up and running, including planning, installation, and configuration.

The following installation modes are available for WebSphere Portal:


Remote with graphical interface

The WebSphere Portal graphical installation program runs on a Windows PC connected to your iSeries server. The user points and clicks through a series of screens, occasionally typing in information as required.

The graphical interface is available for remote installation only. It is the recommended method of installing WebSphere Portal.



The console interface includes much of the same content as the graphical interface, but presented in text format. To make selections, the user types in the number corresponding to the appropriate option displayed on screen and presses Enter.

The console interface is available for both local and remote installation. It is recommended for those installing WebSphere Portal locally on an iSeries system.


Response file

Rather than entering information as the installation progresses, with this installation mode the user specifies a response file from which the installation program can gather all the information it needs. The user has the option of overriding any values contained in the response file by entering them as parameters on a command line when the installation is launched.

Install with a response file is available for both local and remote installation. It is recommended for advanced users, or those with highly customized installation requirements.


See also