WebSphere Portal installation program messages
How to interpret messages
Each message begins with a code. Here is an example.
- ABCD - component identifier, with D representing either Installation (I) or Configuration (C)
- 1234- unique four-digit number
- E - I for Information, E for Error, or W for Warning
- EJPI- component ID for WebSphere Portal installation messages.
- 1001 - unique four-digit number
- I - for Information
Installation messages
Code Description EJPI0001E WebSphere Portal cannot use the WebSphere Application Server in {0}. Please refer to the message log {1} for additional information.
EJPI0002E The specified user has insufficient rights. In addition to the administrator rights, the user requires the advanced user right "Act as part of the operating system" and the advanced user right "Log on as a service." To view or modify the user rights go to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy and double-click on Local Policies then double-click on User Rights Assignment. If you make any changes, log out and log back in to the system to make the updated changes. The installation has added the required permissions to the user, however log out and log in to the system to refresh user rights.
EJPI0003E User ID or Password is incorrect.
EJPI0004I The installation has completed successfully.
EJPI0005I The installation is exiting due to unrecoverable error.
EJPI0006E The specified directory is not valid. WebSphere Portal is already installed in this location.
EJPI0007E Operating System prerequisite check failed. Refer to the message log file {0} for additional information.
EJPI0008I An installation warning occurred in silent installation mode. The installation cannot recover, and will now exit.
EJPI0009E An earlier version of LUM is already installed on the system.
EJPI0015E WebSphere Portal is already installed at the specified location.
EJPI0016W The installation is unable to contact an HTTP server at the entered location.
EJPI0018E WAS coexistence and migration scenarios are not supported in silent mode.
EJPI0017E Portal installation failed. The Portal configuration step completed with errors. Please refer to the log file {0} for additional information. The installer will now exit.
EJPI0019E Portal uninstallation failed. Removing the Portal configuration completed with errors. Please refer to the log file {0} for additional information. The installer will now exit.
EJPI0020W Uninstallation cannot remove all files from the directory {0}. After uninstallation completes, please remove the directory manually.
EJPI0021W Some portlets failed to deploy. Refer to {0} for additional information.
EJPI0022W The property wasService.password should be changed to something other than YOUR_PASSWORD.
EJPI0023E Unexpected value: {0}
EJPI0024E The installation cannot locate the plugin file: {0}
EJPI0025I Plugin file detected: {0}
EJPI0026W Property value not specified for: {0}
EJPI0027I Property was specified: {0}
EJPI0028E Destination not writable: {0}
EJPI0029I Destination is writable: {0}
EJPI0030E Can't locate media: {0}
EJPI0031I Media located: {0}
EJPI0032E Silent validation failure. Exiting install.
EJPI0033I Validation turned off. Exiting silent validation.
EJPI0034E Unexpected service exception.
EJPI0035W The property wasService.user should be changed to something other than YOUR_USER_NAME.
EJPI0036I Validation turned off. Not checking disk space.
EJPI0037E No product tag or destination specified.
EJPI0038E Invalid location, file system does not exist: {0}
EJPI0039E Invalid disk space requirement: {0}
EJPI0040E Insufficient disk space. Required: {0} kilobytes in directory {1}. Available: {2} kilobytes remaining for partition {3}.
EJPI0041E Unexpected error when creating validator.
EJPI0042I The installation has detected a partially uninstalled Portal at this location. Would you like the installer to complete the uninstallation and proceed?
EJPI0043E The installation cannot copy file {0} to {1}
EJPI0044E The WAS Fix Pack failed to install
EJPI0045E The WAS Fix failed to install
EJPI0046I Refer to the log file {0}
EJPI0047E The installation path must be {0} characters or less.
EJPI0048E WebSphere Portal content publishing install failed. Refer to {0} for additional information. Install will continue with errors.
EJPI0049E Insufficient temporary disk space. Required: {0} in directory {1}. Available: {2} kilobytes remaining for partition {3}.
EJPI0500E Unable to connect to server. EJPI0501E User profile or password is incorrect. EJPI0502E User profile has insufficient authority to install WebSphere Portal. EJPI0503E OS/400 VRM must be V5R2. EJPI0504E A required field is not filled in. Please enter values for the following field(s). EJPI0505E Configuration prerequisite check failed. Press the Back button to select Install Only, or cancel to exit the installation. EJPI0506E WebSphere Portal is already installed. Uninstall WebSphere Portal and then reinstall. EJPI0507E The database already exists. EJPI0508E The subsystem is not started. EJPI0509E WAS instance(s) not detected. EJPI0511E User profile has insufficient authority to uninstall WebSphere Portal. EJPI6016E WAS V5.0. EJPI6017E Host Servers. EJPI6018E IBM HTTP Server for iSeries. EJPI6019E QShell Interpreter. EJPI6020E TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities for iSeries. EJPI6021E Java Developer Kit 1.3. EJPI6022E Java Developer Kit 1.4. EJPI6023E DB2 Query Manager and SQL Development Kit for iSeries. EJPI6024E WAS V5.0 Group PTF (OS400 V5R2 PTF SF99245). EJPI6025E Directory Services for OS400 Version 4.1 (OS400 V5R2 PTF SI08487). EJPI6026E WAS V5.0 Group PTF: EJPI6027E WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement. EJPI6028E IBM HTTP Group PTF. EJPI6029E IBM JAVA Group PTF. EJPI6030E IBM DB2 Group PTF. EJPI6031E IBM WAS runtime option 2. EJPI6032E IBM WAS Client option 1. EJPI6033E IBM WAS Subsystem (QEJBAS5) is not started. EJPC6034I WAS option is not installed : EJPI6040W iSeries Tools for Developers (5799PTL). EJPI6041W Portable Application Solutions Environment (PASE).
See also