Uninstall WebSphere Portal


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  1. Before uninstalling
  2. Uninstalling WebSphere Portal


Before uninstalling

You can make a backup of WebSphere Portal configuration using the XML configuration interface (xmlaccess). In addition, you have the option to delete or keep the WebSphere Portal database. The following data is not saved by an XML configuration export and will be deleted if you remove the database:


Uninstalling WebSphere Portal

To uninstall WebSphere Portal, do the following steps:

  1. Decide whether to disable security (if enabled). If you are running WebSphere Portal with security enabled, you can uninstall without affecting your security setting, or you can choose to disable security before uninstalling.

    To disable security before continuing uninstallation, perform the following steps:

    1. The following properties must be updated to reflect the original settings before disabling security. If this is not done the administrator will not have administrative rights. For example:

      • The original value after installation and before enabling security is:
        uid=wpsadmin,o=default organization

      • The value after enabling security with LDAP is:

      • The value that change back to before disabling security is:
        uid=wpsadmin,o=default organization

      Open the wpconfig.properties file, located in the /qibm/userdata/webas5/base/<instance>/portalserver5/config directory, and ensure that the following properties have the appropriate values.

      Some values, shown here in italics, might need to be modified to the specific environment. See Configuration properties reference for a complete properties reference, including default values.

      Section Property Value
      WebSphere Portal configuration PortalAdminId

      Description: The fully qualified name of the WebSphere Portal administrator.

      Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.

      Recommended value: uid=<portaladminid>,o=default organization
      Default value: <none>


      Description: The short form of the user ID for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminId property.

      Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.

      Recommended value: <portaladminid>
      Default value: <none>


      Description: The password for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminId property.

      Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.

      Recommended value: No recommended value for this property
      Default value: <none>


      Description: The group ID for the group to which the WebSphere Portal administrator belongs.

      Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.

      Recommended value: cn=wpsadmins,o=default organization
      Default value: <none>


      Description: The short form of the group ID for the WebSphere Portal administrator, as defined in the PortalAdminGroupId property.

      Before disabling security, this value should be set to the original value that is used when installing WebSphere Portal.

      Recommended value: wpsadmins
      Default value: <none>

    2. Open an OS/400 command prompt and start the Qshell Interpreter by entering the following data:


    3. Change to the directory /qibm/userdata/webas5/base/<instance>/portalserver5/config.

    4. Enter the following command:

      WPSconfig.sh disable-security

    If you choose to leave security enabled, you can always disable it later using the WAS administrative console.


  2. Decide whether to keep database information. You can leave the database as it is before uninstalling or, if you want to uninstall WebSphere Portal completely, you can remove the databases and database tables before uninstalling.

    If you choose to keep the database information, you will not be able to use it with subsequent installations of WebSphere Portal, although you can still access the information through the database software.

    To remove the WebSphere Portal information from the database:

    1. Open an OS/400 command prompt and start the Qshell Interpreter by entering the following data:


    2. Change to the directory /qibm/userdata/webas5/base/<instance>/portalserver5/config.

    3. Remove the database tables by running the following commands:

      If any of these tasks do not complete promptly, check the QSYSOPR queue on the iSeries system for messages. The system might require a response from you in order to complete the task. To check the QSYSOPR queue, enter the following command on an OS/400 command line:


    If you choose to leave the database information unchanged, you can always delete the WebSphere Portal databases and database tables later using the database software. The drop-database-wps and drop-database-wmm tasks require the WebSphere Portal server to be stopped.

  3. Remove references to the Lotus Workplace shared library. Complete the following steps:

    1. Ensure that the WAS administrative server is running.

    2. Open an OS/400 command prompt and start the Qshell Interpreter by entering the following data:


    3. Change to the directory /qibm/userdata/webas5/base/<instance>/portalserver5/config.

    4. Enter the following command:

      WPSconfig.sh action-remove-lwp-shared-library

  4. Decide whether to keep WebSphere Portal instances. In some cases (such as when you are planning to reinstall), you might want to uninstall WebSphere Portal but leave the portal instances in place. Therefore, the standard uninstallation process for WebSphere Portal does not include removing portal instances. If you want to remove these instances, follow these instructions.

    To remove a WebSphere Portal instance before continuing uninstallation, perform the following steps:

    1. Open an OS/400 command prompt and start the Qshell Interpreter by entering the following data:


    2. Change to the directory /qibm/proddata/webas5/pme/bin

      If removing WebSphere Portal from a Network Deployment instance, instead change to the directory /qibm/proddata/webas5/pmend/bin

    3. Stop the server by entering the following command:

      stopServer -instance <instance> 

    4. Change to the directory /qibm/proddata/portalserver5/config

    5. Deconfigure the WAS instance by entering the following command:

      wpsconfig.sh -instance <instance> remove-was-cfg

    6. Remove WebSphere Portal from the WAS instance by entering the following command:

      rmvwpsinst.sh -instance <instance>

    7. Change to the directory /qibm/proddata/webas5/pme/bin.

      If you are removing a Network Deployment instance, instead change to directory /qibm/proddata/webas5/pmend/bin.

    8. Delete the WAS instance by entering the following command:

      dltwasinst -instance <instance>

  5. Run the uninstallation program. To uninstall WebSphere Portal, follow these instructions:

    1. Open an OS/400 command prompt and start the Qshell Interpreter by entering the following data:


    2. Change to the directory /qibm/proddata/portalserver5/uninstall.

    3. Run the following command to start the uninstallation program:


      To run the uninstallation program silently, use the -silent option when entering the command:

      uninstall.sh -silent

      If you use the -silent option, the uninstallation will complete without any further input from you.

    4. Select a language for the uninstallation and press Enter.

    5. Click Next and press Enter.

    6. Review the uninstallation information. Click Next and press Enter.

    7. When WebSphere Portal has been uninstalled, a confirmation message will appear. Click Finish and press Enter to exit the uninstallation program.


See also