CRTCOSD (Create Class-of-Service Description)

CRTCOSD Command syntax diagram



The Create Class-of-Service Description (CRTCOSD) command creates a class-of-service description. A class-of-service description determines the nodes and transmission groups that are eligible to be included in advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) or Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) support.

Table 1. Default Table for Row/Lines 1-8

Line (A) (B) (C) (D)
ROW6LINE 180 9600 128 *PKTSWTNET
ROW7LINE 210 4800 196 *MAX
ROW8LINE 240 *MIN 255 *MAX

Table 2. Default Table for Row/Nodes 1-8

Node (E) (F) (G)
ROW4NODE 40 127 *LOW
ROW5NODE 80 159 *LOW
ROW6NODE 100 191 *LOW
ROW7NODE 120 223 *HIGH
ROW8NODE 150 255 *HIGH


Required Parameters

Specifies the name of the class-of-service description created. This name ranges from 1 through 8 characters.


Optional Parameters

Specifies the transmission priority for this class-of-service description. The priority levels are listed below.

*MED: Medium transmission priority is given for this class-of-service description.

*LOW: The lowest transmission priority is given for this class-of-service description.

*HIGH: The highest transmission priority is given for this class-of-service description.

Specifies the list of line-related criteria used for the first through the eighth rows of the class-of-service description. These rows describe the attributes of the line connection between two nodes in the APPN network. The rows are examined in order (from 1 through 8) to define a network routing path.

Element 1: Line Weight Factor

line-weighting-factor: Specify the relative weight of lines for this row. The weight, which ranges from 0 through 255, indicates the relative cost of a line connection. Refer to (A) in Table 1 for the default. This value varies for each ROWxLINE.

Element 2: Minimum Link Speed

*MIN: The minimum link speed is specified.

*MAX: The maximum link speed is specified.

minimum-link-speed: This is the minimum link speed for a line connection that is accepted by this row criteria. Valid values are *MIN, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 48000, 56000, 64000, 112000, 128000, 168000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 280000, 320000, 336000, 384000, 448000, 499000, 576000, 614000, 691000, 768000, 845000, 922000, 998000, 1075000, 1152000, 1229000, 1382000, 1536000, 1690000, 1843000, 1997000, 4M, 10M, 16M, or *MAX. Refer to (B) in Table 1 for the default. This value varies for each ROWxLINE.

Element 3: Maximum Link Speed

*MAX: The maximum link speed is specified.

*MIN: The minimum link speed is specified.

maximum-link-speed: This is the maximum link speed for a line connection that is accepted by this row criteria. See the list of valid values under minimum link speed in Element 2.

Element 4: Minimum Cost Per Connect Time

cost/connect-minimum: Specify the minimum relative cost per connect time that is accepted by this row criteria. Valid costs range from 0 through 255. The default value is 0.

Element 5: Maximum Cost Per Connect Time

cost/connect-maximum: Specify the maximum relative cost per connect time that is accepted by the row criteria. Valid costs range from 0 through 255. Refer to (C) in Table 1 for the default. This value varies for each ROWxLINE.

Element 6: Minimum Cost Per Byte

cost/byte-minimum: Specify the minimum relative cost per byte that is accepted by this row criteria. Valid costs range from 0 through 255. The default value is 0.

Element 7: Maximum Cost Per Byte

cost/byte-maximum: Specify the maximum relative cost per byte that is accepted by this row criteria. Valid costs range from 0 through 255. Refer to (C) in Table 1 for the default. This value varies for each ROWxLINE.

Element 8: Minimum Security Level

Minimum Security: This is the minimum security level that is accepted by this row criteria. Valid values are in order from least secure to most secure. The default value is *NONSECURE.

Nonsecured line
Packet switched network
Underground cable
Secure conduit
Guarded conduit
Encrypted line
Guarded conduit, protected against physical and radiation tapping.

Element 9: Maximum Security Level

Maximum Security: This is the maximum security level that is accepted by this row criteria. Valid values are in order from least to most secure. The default value is *MAX.

Guarded conduit, protected against physical and radiation tapping.
Nonsecured line
Packet switched network
Underground cable
Secure conduit
Guarded conduit
Encrypted line

Element 10: Minimum Propagation Delay

Minimum Propagation Delay: This is the minimum propagation delay that is accepted by this row criteria. The default value is *MIN.

Minimum propagation delay
Local area network
Telephone propagation delay
Packet switched network propagation delay
Satellite propagation delay
Maximum propagation delay

Element 11: Maximum Propagation Delay

Maximum Propagation Delay: This is the maximum propagation delay that is accepted by this row criteria. Refer to (D) in Table 1 for the default. This value will vary for each ROWxLINE.

The values are:

Minimum propagation delay
Local area network
Telephone propagation delay
Packet switched network propagation delay
Satellite propagation delay
Maximum propagation delay

Element 12: User's First Minimum Line Connection Criteria

user-1-minimum: Specify your own line connection criteria. Valid values range from 0 through 255 with a default value of 0.

Element 13: User's First Maximum Line Connection Criteria

user-1-maximum: Specify your own line connection criteria. Valid values range from 0 through 255 with a default value of 255.

Element 14: User's Second Minimum Line Connection Criteria

user-2-minimum: Specify your own line connection criteria. Valid values range from 0 through 255 with a default value of 0.

Element 15: User's Second Maximum Line Connection Criteria

user-2-maximum: Specify your own line connection criteria. Valid values range from 0 through 255 with a default value of 255.

Element 16: User's Third Minimum Line Connection Criteria

user-3-minimum: Specify your own line connection criteria. Valid values range from 0 through 255 with a default value of 0.

Element 17: User's Third Maximum Line Connection Criteria

user-3-maximum: Specify your own line connection criteria. Valid values range from 0 through 255 with a default value of 255.

Specifies the list of node-related criteria used for the first through eight rows of the class-of-service description. These rows describe the attributes of a node in the APPN network. The rows are examined in order (from 1 to 8) to define a network routing path.

Element 1: Node Weighting Factor

node-weighting-factor: Specify the relative weight of nodes for this row. The weight, which ranges from 0 through 255, indicates the relative cost of passing through a node in the network. Refer to (E) in Table 2 for the default. This value varies for each ROWxNODE.

Element 2: Minimum Route Additional Resistance

route-additional-resistance-minimum: Specify the minimum route additional resistance accepted by this row criteria. Valid values range from 0 through 255 with a default of 0.

Element 3: Maximum Route Additional Resistance

route-additional-resistance-maximum: Specify the maximum route additional resistance accepted by this row criteria. Refer to (F) in Table 2 for the default. This value varies for each ROWxNODE.

Element 4: Minimum Congestion Level

*LOW congestion-minimum: Low congestion is tolerated.

Element 5: Maximum Congestion Level

*HIGH congestion-maximum: High congestion is tolerated. Refer to (G) in Table 2 for the default. This value varies for each ROWxNODE.

Specifies the authority given to users who do not have specific authority to the class-of-service description, who are not on an authorization list, and whose user group has no specific authority to the class-of-service description.

*LIBCRTAUT: The authority for the object is the same as the create authority for QSYS. The create authority for QSYS can be displayed by using the Display Library Description (DSPLIBD) command. If the create authority is changed with the Change Library (CHGLIB) command, the new authority does not affect existing objects.

*CHANGE: The user can perform all operations on the object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. The user can change and perform basic functions on the object. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data authority.

*USE: The user can perform basic operations on the class-of-service description, such as running a program or reading a file. The user cannot change the class-of-service description. *USE authority provides object operational authority, read authority, and execute authority.

*ALL: The user can perform all operations except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The user can control the object's existence, specify the security for the object, change the object, and perform basic functions on the object. The user also can change ownership of the class-of-service description.

*EXCLUDE: The user cannot access the class-of-service description.

authorization-list-name: Specify the name of the authorization list used.

Specifies the text that briefly describes the description. More information on this parameter is in Commonly used parameters.

*BLANK: Text is not specified.

'description': Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.

Example for CRTCOSD

  ROW1LINE(15 9600 19200 20 30
  100 200 50 100 25 50)
  TEXT('customized Row1line')

This command creates COSD1. All values are specified for Row1Line, and defaults are accepted for all the other rows.

Error messages for CRTCOSD

*ESCAPE Messages

Class-of-service description &1 not created due to errors.
Parameter not valid.
Class-of-service description &1 already exists.
User profile storage limit exceeded.