CRTCOSD (Create Class-of-Service Description) syntax diagram

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec
Threadsafe: No
   |          .-*MED--.    |
   |               (2)                          |
   '---ROWnLINE(---------| Line Parameters |--)-'
   |               (3)                          |
   '---ROWnNODE(---------| Node Parameters |--)-'
   |       .-*LIBCRTAUT--------------.    |
   |        .-*BLANK------------.    |
Line Parameters
   .-(check default table (A))-.
   .-(check default table (B))-.  .-*MAX---------------.
   +-*MIN----------------------+  +-*MIN---------------+
   +-*MAX----------------------+  '-maximum-link-speed-'
   .-0--------------------.  .-(check default table (C))-.
   '-cost/connect-minimum-'  '-cost/connect-maximum------'
   .-0-----------------.  .-(check default table (C))-.
   '-cost/byte-minimum-'  '-cost/byte-maximum---------'
   .-*NONSECURE-. (4)   .-*MAX-------. (5)
   +-*PKTSWTNET-+       +-*NONSECURE-+
   +-*UNDGRDCBL-+       +-*PKTSWTNET-+
   +-*SECURECND-+       +-*UNDGRDCBL-+
   +-*GUARDCND--+       +-*SECURECND-+
   +-*ENCRYPTED-+       +-*GUARDCND--+
   '-*MAX-------'       '-*ENCRYPTED-'
   .-*MIN-------. (6)   .-(check default table (D))-. (7)
   +-*LAN-------+       +-*MIN----------------------+
   +-*TELEPHONE-+       +-*LAN----------------------+
   +-*PKTSWTNET-+       +-*TELEPHONE----------------+
   +-*SATELLITE-+       +-*PKTSWTNET----------------+
   '-*MAX-------'       +-*SATELLITE----------------+
   .-0--------------.  .-255------------.  .-0--------------.
   '-user-1-minimum-'  '-user-1-maximum-'  '-user-2-minimum-'
   .-255------------.  .-0--------------.  .-255------------.
   '-user-2-maximum-'  '-user-3-minimum-'  '-user-3-maximum-'
Node Parameters
   .-(check default table (E))-.
   .-(check default table (F))---------.  .-*LOW--. (8)
   '-route-addition-resistance-maximum-'  '-*HIGH-'
   .-(check default table (G))-. (9)


  1. All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

  2. n can be a number from 1 to 8. shows the defaults for the row line parameters.

  3. n can be a value from 1 to 8. shows the defaults for the row node parameters.

  4. Minimum Security.

  5. Maximum Security.

  6. Minimum Propagation Delay.

  7. Maximum Propagation Delay.

  8. Minimum Congestion.

  9. Maximum Congestion.