Install Lotus Sametime

Set up Lotus Sametime to work with the WebSphere Portal offers portal users the complete set of people awareness features available in collaborative portlets. This section includes information you should read before you install Sametime 3.1, and a recommended order of installation. In addition, information about where to find additional documentation is provided.


Before you install Sametime 3.1

The following information is specific for installing Sametime 3.1, which is included with some editions of WebSphere Portal. Usage restrictions apply for the copy of Sametime that is shipped with some editions of WebSphere Portal. For example, some capabilities of Sametime are not licensed for use. Consult the product license for details.


Recommended order for installing Sametime 3.1

The recommended order of installation and configuration for Sametime 3.1 is provided in the following list.

  1. Install Domino 5.0.12. Domino 5.0.12 is a prerequisite for Sametime. Refer to Install Lotus Domino for information.
  2. Install Sametime 3.1 and set up a Sametime server. Refer to the section Install Sametime 3.1 more information.
  3. Configure portal to use the Sametime server. Refer to Configure WebSphere Portal to use Lotus Sametime for instructions on editing the Sametime.ini file and running the required configuration task. Note: If you intend to use both Sametime and Quickplace, follow the instructions for integrating the two products, and make sure the servers are working before configuring them to use portal.


Install Sametime 3.1

For specific instructions on installing and configuring Sametime 3.1 for iSeries, see the document Install and Managing Sametime 3.1 for iSeries (stinstall.pdf) which is available on your Sametime for iSeries product CD, or from the following Web site:


Launching the interface to the Sametime server

After installation, you can launch the Sametime server interface by opening a Web browser and typing:



Locating additional information for Sametime

To locate instructions for installing Sametime, do one of the following:


Next steps

You have completed this step. Continue to the next step by choosing one of the following topics.


See also