Configure Lotus Sametime and WebSphere Portal to work together

The following topic provides instructions for configuring WebSphere Portal and Lotus Sametime.

Use the IBM Web Administration for iSeries Create WebSphere Portal wizard when configuring WebSphere Portal instances. The wizard creates the necessary servers (HTTP and WebSphere Application Server), configures the server for Portal, configures the database for Portal, configures security (LDAP) for Portal, and deploys the portlets installed with the WebSphere Portal product. You can edit the Portal instance configuration manually after you have used the WebSphere Portal wizard.


Configure Lotus Sametime settings to support WebSphere Portal

WebSphere Portal uses a Sametime server application to enable Sametime connectivity or People Awareness. To allow this connectivity to work, set a security level by editing the Sametime.ini file.

  1. Edit the Sametime.ini file located on the Sametime server.

  2. Do one of the following to set a security level:

  3. Save and close the Sametime.ini file.
  4. Restart the Sametime server.


Run the configuration task to configure WebSphere Portal to use Lotus Sametime

This section provides instructions for configuring WebSphere Portal to use Lotus Sametime. Note that if you used IBM Web Administration for iSeries to configure WebSphere Portal for use with Sametime, you can skip these steps.


Before you begin

Read the following information before you begin.


Run the configuration task

To perform the configuration task, do the following:

  1. Open an OS/400 command prompt and start the Qshell Interpreter by entering the following:
  2. Change to the directory /qibm/proddata/webas5/pme/bin
  3. Type the following at the command line to stop WebSphere Portal.
    stopServer -instance <instance> <app_server>

    where instance is the name of the WebSphere Application Server instance, and app_server is the name of the application server. Note: The default name of the application server is the instance name.

  4. If you intend to use Domino Directory with Lotus Sametime, follow the steps for Configure Lotus Collaborative Components to use Domino Directory.

  5. Locate the /qibm/userdata/webas5/base/<instance>/portalserver5/config/ file and create a backup copy before changing any values.
  6. Edit the /qibm/userdata/webas5/base/<instance>/portalserver5/config/ file and enter the values appropriate for your environment.
    Note the following:

    Section Property Value
    Collaborative Components Properties LCC.Sametime.Enabled

    Description: The property that determines whether Lotus Sametime is enabled. Note: Setting LCC.Sametime.Enabled to true enables this component. Setting the value to false disables it.

    Recommended Value: true

    Default Value: false


    Description: The name of the Lotus Sametime server.

    Recommended Value:

    Default Value:


    Description: The protocol used to connect to the Lotus Sametime server.

    Recommended Value: http

    Default Value: http


    Description: The port number for the Lotus Sametime server.

    Recommended Value: 80

    Default Value: 80

    Database configuration Dbuser

    Description: The user ID for the database administrator.

    Value Type: Alphanumeric text string

    Default Value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminId

    DbPassword Description: The password for the database administrator.

    Value Type: Alphanumeric text string

    Default Value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd

    WmmDbUser Description: The user ID for the database administrator.

    Value Type: Alphanumeric text string

    Default Value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminId

    If you are migrating from a previous version of WebSphere Portal, this value must match the database user name for the WebSphere Member Services database from the previous WebSphere Portal version.

    WmmDbPassword Description: The password for the database administrator.

    Value Type: Alphanumeric text string

    Default Value: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd

  7. Save the file.

  8. Start the Qshell Interpreter by entering the following on an OS/400 command line:
  9. Change to the directory /qibm/userdata/webas5/base/<instance>/portalserver5/config
  10. Type the following command:

  11. Check the output for any error messages. If you encounter an error, check the appropriate logs file for more information. You can locate information about logs in the Use logs topic.

  12. Change to the directory /qibm/proddata/webas5/pme/bin
  13. Type the following at the command line to start WebSphere Portal.
    startServer -instance <instance> <app_server>

    where instance is the name of the WebSphere Application Server instance, and app_server is the name of the application server. Note: The default name of the application server is the instance name.


Next steps

You have completed this step. Continue to the next step by choosing one of the following topics.


See also