SOAP support
This topic and the topics linking to it describe how to use Apache SOAP 2.3 support for WAS Version 5.0 and 5.01. This support is deprecated. If you are planning a new Web services project, it is recommended that you use Web services for J2EE. For more information on developing a Web service with J2EE, see Develop a J2EE Web service based on an existing Web application.
Version 2.2 of the Apache SOAP implementation is integrated into WAS. Apache SOAP Version 2.2 is a Java(TM)-based implementation of the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 specification with support for SOAP with attachments.
WAS allows you to publish the Java-based and other components as SOAP services:
- Enterprise beans
- Java beans
- DB2 Universal Database stored procedures
- Server-side scripts that implement the Bean Scripting Framework (BSF)
See these topics for more information about developing SOAP services:
Build a SOAP client
This topic describes the steps necessary to create a client for a SOAP application. It also includes information about securing SOAP services.Deploy programming components as SOAP services
This topic describes the steps necessary to deploy a programming component such as an enterprise bean, DB2 stored procedure, or Bean Scripting Framework scripts.SOAP examples
This topic describes the SOAP response example and the SOAP request example.SOAP tools
This topic describes how to use the XML-SOAP Admin tool and the SOAPEarEnabler tool to develop and manage your SOAP services.Apache SOAP deployment descriptors
This topic discusses on the Apache Foundation's implementation of SOAP, which is used to publish and and use SOAP services under WAS.Secure SOAP services
This topic discusses the security implications of making SOAP services available on the Internet.