Develop a J2EE Web service based on an existing application

  1. Access an existing Java archive (JAR) or Java bean Web archive (WAR) file that you want to use as a Web service. If you use an enterprise bean, it must meet these requirements:

    • The enterprise bean must be a stateless session bean.
    • Web service method parameters must be serializable and cannot be object references.
    • Web service method parameters must be one of the supported Java API for XML-based remote procedure call (JAX-RPC) types.

  2. Develop a service endpoint interface.
    The service endpoint interface defines which enterprise bean methods should be made available as a Web service.

  3. Develop a WSDL file.

  4. Develop Web service deployment descriptor templates from the WSDL file.

  5. Configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor.

  6. Configure the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor.

After you develop the Web service application, assemble the JAR or WAR module. For assembly instructions, see Assemble a J2EE Web service based on an existing application.