Monitor the WebSphere Application Server environment by using the Log Analyzer

The Log Analyzer merges all the data from one or more IBM Service logs and displays the entries. For more information on the IBM Service logs, see IBM Service log file. Based on its symptom database, it analyzes and interprets the error conditions in the log entries to help you debug problems. The Log Analyzer can download the latest symptom database from the IBM Web site. For more information on obtaining and using the Log Analyzer to monitor your WebSphere Application Server environment, see these topics:

Obtaining the Log Analyzer

The Log Analyzer is installed on your workstation as part of the WebSphere Application Server workstation components. For details on how to install the workstation components, see the Install the workstation tools for WebSphere Application Server topic in Installation.

Use the Log Analyzer

You can start the Log Analyzer on your client workstation by using any of these methods:

Once the Log Analyzer window is displayed, perform these steps to open an activity log file:

  1. Do either of these steps:

    • Use ftp to send the activity.log file in binary format to your log analyzer workstation.
    • On Windows NT or Windows 2000, map a drive to the iSeries server. Alternatively, on Unix platforms, mount a drive to the iSeries server.

  2. Select File -> Open.
  3. Navigate to the directory containing the activity.log file.
  4. Select the activity.log file.
  5. Select Open.
  6. Expand the tree in the left-hand pane of the Log Analyzer to view messages.

Uncolored records are "normal", yellow are warnings, and pink are errors. If you select a record, you see its contents, including the basic error or warning message, the date, the time, which WebSphere component logged the record, and which process (for example: application server, node agent) it came from, in the right-hand pane.

The activity log does not analyze any other log files, such as the SystemOut.log or native_stdout.log file. To analyze the records, right click on a record in the tree on the left (click on the UnitOfWorkView at the top to get them all), and select Analyze. Any records with a green check mark next to them match a record in the symptom database. When you select a check-marked record, you see an explanation of the problem in the lower right-hand pane.

Use the Log Analyzer Help to get more detailed information on using Log Analyzer.

Update the symptom database

The database of known problems and resolutions used when you click Analyze on the menu is periodically enhanced as new problems come to light and new versions of the product are introduced. To ensure that you have the latest version of the database, use the File --> Update Database --> WebSphere Application Server Symptom Database menu item from within the log analyzer tool at least once a month. Users who have just installed the product and have never run the update should do so immediately, since updates may have occurred since the version was first released.

The knowledge base used for analysis is built gradually from problems reported by users. For a recently released version of the product, you might not find any analysis hits. However, the Log Analyzer tool still provides a way to see all error messages and warnings from all components in a convenient, user-friendly way.

View the IBM Service log without the Log Analyzer.

If using the Log Analyzer to view the IBM Service log file is impractical or inconvenient, you can use an alternative tool named showlog. To use the showlog tool, perform these steps:

  1. On the iSeries command line, run the Start Qshell Interpreter (STRQSH) command.
  2. Change directory to the bin directory for the product:
    cd was_install_root/bin
    where was_install_root is /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base or /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/ND for WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment respectively.
  3. Run the showlog script. The syntax is:
    showlog [-instance instance_name] activity_log_file

    where the parameters are:


    Optional. The value instance_name specifies the name of the WebSphere Application Server instance. The default value for instance_name is default.



    Required. The qualified integrated file system path name of the activity log file you wish to view. For example, /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/default/logs/activity.log



    Optional. The qualified integrated file system path name of the file to contain the formatted, readable contents of the activity log file. If this parameter is not specified, the output is written to standard out (the screen).


    showlog /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/default/logs/activity.log 
    showlog -instance myinst /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/ND/myinst/logs/activity.log

The output of the showlog script file consists of message event entries separated by horizontal lines.

Here is a description of the fields that make up the entries:

ComponentId Currently not used.
ProcessId Job information for the job from which the message event was issued.
ThreadId Java (TM)thread ID of the thread from which the message event was issued.
FunctionName Currently not used.
ProbeId Currently not used.
SourceId The class name of the object from which the message event was issued.
Manufacturer IBM
Product Product whose code issued the message event. Currently this is WebSphere Application Server.
Version Product version or build level
SOMProcessType Currently not used
ClientHostName Currently not used.
ClientUserId Currently not used.
TimeStamp Timestamp indicating when the message event was issued. The default time zone is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). See Set the time zone for information on how to change the default timezone for WebSphere Application Server.
UnitOfWork Currently not used.
Severity Indicates the severity of the message. Audit message events are severity 3, warning message events are severity 2, and fatal/terminate/error message events are severity 1.
Category The type of message event. Valid values are AUDIT, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL, and TERMINATE
FormatWarning Currently not used.
PrimaryMessage Currently not used.
ExtendedMessage Message Identifier: Message text
RawDataLen The length of any raw data that follows the message. Typically this value is zero.